Salary, working hours, holidays, etc.

Pocket money, working hours and holiday scheduling for legal international Au Pairs in the US are determined by the US Department of State Au Pair program regulations. In this article, we will give you an insight in these topics.

Working Hours

Au Pairs can work up to 45 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day – including babysitting!

45 hours is a lot, so the participant should check with the Host Family when exactly they are needed  to look after the children so they can plan when they can attend a class at the local college. However, the Host Family should always be the priority though and the schedule will be based on their needs. But remember: the Au Pair’s time off is exactly that – the Au Pair’s time off.

If the Host Family requires additional care beyond what the participant can legally provide, we encourage them to obtain additional childcare resources or consider hiring a full-time nanny.

Time off and holidays

The program regulations require Host Families to allow their new family members 1,5  free days in a week, and at least one weekend off per month.

The Au Pair will also have 2 weeks paid holiday during a stay of 12 month. If the Host Family is taking the Au Pair on holiday, they should discuss whether it is part of the Au Pair’s paid vacation or not.

Make sure to include this in the contract as well!

Pocket money

Currently, Au Pairs in the USA receive a minimum pocket money of $195.75 per week.

This rate applies to all participants, but some organizations may also offer professional or educational program options.

The professional Au Pairs usually receive a higher pocket money than $195.75, but they must have a high level of experience to qualify for these positions.

The educational program allows participants to work with families with older children, whereby the youngest child in the home is in school full time. Participants work up to 30 hours per week, but are paid less than $195.75.

More information about the program can be found in our other articles.